Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Live simply to live fully with the love life with Court Show

Learn how living simply can help you live more fully.
Kelly is interviewed by Courtney Irving, the host of The Love Life with Court Show to share her personal transformations and minimalist lifestyle tips.
This conversation covers topics including how to make decisions about what items to keep and what to let go of, how to avoid buying things to fill an emotional void, how to let go of expensive or sentimental items, and how to manage living with a partner who doesn’t particularly live minimally. Plus, they discuss how donating items can be just as satisfying as buying new things!
Courtney is also an aspiring minimalist and she provides a ton of helpful simple living tips!
Be inspired by Kelly and Courtney’s discussions and start reaping the great rewards that come with living with less!
Find Partner Discounts from BetterHelp, Remade, and Viome & Lauren’s Closet Course & Outfit E-Guide at!
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